Wednesday, April 25, 2012

80-years young

We celebrated GG's 80th birthday last weekend.
Lots of family, lots of cake, lots of noise, lots of fun!

The birthday girl showing off her delicious cake.

GG with her kids
(from L to R and as Joshua calls them "Tom Tom, Aunt Joy, GG, Coach and Great Gay")

This happy couple's wedding will certainly be the subject of at least one future blog post as Joshua and Abigail are participating. 

Boy cousins just chilling waiting on the cake to be cut.

Great Aunt Rosie came from Nashville to surprise GG.

something was super funny!

Coach, Nana and the kiddos

We were grateful for the opportunity to celebrate GG and spend some time with extended family.  Joshua was convinced that GG was "turning 6, because 6 is grown up."  
Aunt Rosie summed it up the best, "this was a super, colossal, deluxe party!" 

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