Wednesday, May 2, 2012

a joshua

As Joshua likes to say, "This is awesome!"

Sunday while enjoying a snack outside Joshua shared this original story with Dave:
"Once upon a time, I was travelling the county in Texas, riding on a horse.  Then I heard a noise and Jesus, no, not Jesus, his father, God came and said, "Joshua come to heaven" but I said, "I'm too busy."  Then God went away. 
I went to our house and momma and dad are not there.  I heard you calling for me to rescue you. 
And Darth Vader and the sand people had put you in carbonite and momma was in a bush with bees and her got stang.  I put band aids on her.  The End."

We went to the Open House at the Vet School a couple weekends ago.  Joshua go to see bunches of different animals but the Clydsedales were his favorites.

Joshua enjoys "helping" me cook.  This picture was taken as he used his hammer to crush crackers for a casserole.  But he couldn't start his cooking until he had "the right shoes on."  So naturally he put on his fireman rain galoshes.

 We have been encouraging Joshua to keep his pants on and not take them off as soon as we come in the house.  (As you faithful readers are very aware, he loves to be pants-less)  This week Joshua has been complaining of "tired legs" and requests to "rest my legs."  Only tonight did I realize he takes off his pants to rest his legs.  Sneaky!


bensmom said...

1) I would love to hear Dave Nolen interpret that parable :)
2) Ben loves to help in the kitchen too.

Anita Kay said...

That story is, indeed, awesome.