Wednesday, June 25, 2014


Our vacation to the beach ended with Joshua announcing, "I wish I could stay here until I was old and needed a wheelchair to go to the pool."  All Dave and I could say in response was, "we know, us too."

Anna Ruth's chariot to and from the beach each day

Most days she was fine on the beach as long as she was in her own personal pool and nowhere near the ocean.

We indulged in much seafood eating!

This picture sums up most days at the beach.  Joshua wanting to get in the water and swim to the end of the horizon and Anna Ruth screaming bloody murder whenever she got close to the water.

The pool became tolerable to the princess but she was happiest when being held.

Rarely to our kids get to sleep with us or really anywhere besides in their own beds.  But I think both of these 2 enjoyed a snuggle nap that day.

Anna Ruth's favorite part of the beach was chewing on the sand toys

Joshua's "cannon ball"

dolphin in the water... not shark

Joshua in the water...not shark

She finally got in the water the last day there and actually seemed to enjoy it.

This is the first family vacation we have taken with just the 4 of us.
We had a great time and can't wait to go back...soon!

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