Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Desperate Times...

When the Boy Wonder's intellect and imagination outpace his emotional maturity leaving him unable to go to sleep for fear of monsters he has read about or conjured in him mind him mom has to get creative and crafty. So in these desperate times we called on desperate measures and last night we up stuffed animals on guard around him room and activated an imaginary force field.  (Neither worked and there was just crying a wailing involved in a very late bedtime.)  So today I "crafted" a chart (Dave's idea) to track progress and hopefully eventually reward positive step toward good rest.

In the mean time, the Happy Baby has been sick and not sleeping.  (Notice a theme??)  She ran fever last week and was diagnosed with a throat infection.  We started medicine and she made it to sleeping through the night one night and then last night woke up throwing up.  As soon as I walked in her room I had flash backs to last months Puke-a-Palooza that we all participated in and got desperate.  So this morning at dawn's first light, I made a trip to the grocery store and bought 2 bottles of 100% grape juice (see this website for more info on the grape juice) and some Gatorade for just in case.  As I laid in the floor of Anna Ruth's room last night waiting for her next round of sickness I couldn't help but laugh at all the names you can come up with for kids with the stomach virus...Pukahontas (Dave's favorite), Sleeping Pukey, Pukerella, Puker Bell, Puker Pan, Captain Puke...the list goes on and on.  Again you can see the effects of lack of sleep starting to affect us all.

So with grape juice in hand and many prayers for God's mercy on our family I thought I'd share/reshare some older pictures of the kids.

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