Thursday, January 1, 2009

One Whole Year

Dave and I realized yesterday that we closed on and moved into our house one year ago. It is strange how it didn't seem like much was happening while we were in the middle of last year, but now looking back I realize we had a big year. From moving to new jobs/church/friends, pregnancy, vacation, visits from out-of-town friends and family and a new niece, God has been faithful to provide us with far more then we ever needed.

We have several things to look forward to this year (actually this month)...Dave is being ordained as an elder at our church Sunday and Joshua is due to arrive in the next 2-3 weeks. We are excited and, at the same time, overwhelmed by the thought of the added responsibility of both. I am looking forward to being able to stay at home with Joshua since God has graciously provided for us so that I don't have to work for a little while.

We wish all of you a blessed New Year and hope to hear from or see you soon.

Here are a couple pictures from Christmas. We spent several days in Jackson, allowing for some family time and for Dave to go hunting.

In front of our tree at home:

"GG" holding Abigail for the first time:

1 comment:

bensmom said...

Happy New Year!
Congrats to Dave.
Can't wait to see pics of little Joshua! Praying for a safe and smooth delivery