Monday, February 16, 2009

Valentine's Day in Jackson

We took Joshua to Jackson for Valentine's Day. Joshua's Aunt B babysat him Friday night and went to Jackson with us Saturday. We met Aunt Glo and Cousin Abigail there as well. While there, Joshua was asked, by his Nana, to model the "going home from the hospital outfit" she made him in a photo shoot with his cousin. Both babies were very cooperative. Joshua maintained the same serious face throughout all pictures while Abigail wiggled, cooed and smiled next to him.
We really had a great time Saturday. I'll post more pictures from the trip throughout the week. Here are a few fun ones:
Joshua & Abigail

Coach with the grandbabies

Joshua looking handsome

1 comment:

Beth Gladney said...

Joshua is the cutest nephew I have!! I love that kid!!! :)
~Aunt B