Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Wacky Wednesday

Joshua started a new class last week.  He was bumped up a class and had to leave his longtime classmates to "go to a big boy room."  He instantly loved his class and his new teachers.  He comes home everyday exhausted and tells us very little about the day.  Most often he says, which shaking his finger, "no, I don't want to tell you!"  One of the highlights of the new class is Show and Tell every Friday.  Joshua immediately new what he wanted to take for his first Show and Tell....his Darth Vader mask, of course.  He somehow talked two other classmates into bringing masks for Show and Tell so "we can fight and play good guys and bad guys."  We didn't get a note home reporting Joshua hit anyone (at least not that day) so I guess things turned out ok.

The other day I was sitting in the living room talking to Dave when Joshua approached me carrying a foam sword.  The following conversation ensued:
J: "Mama, I'm a bad guy pirate and I chop, stab, and punch good pirates.  Look, I use this part of my sword to chop good pirates up into pieces (he says while chopping me), this part to stab the good pirates (he says while stabbing me with the point of the sword) and this part on the handle to punch you in the face (I'm sure you see where this was headed). 
A: "Wow Joshua, who taught you about using a sword so many different ways?
J: "Dad" (Dave in the background smiling proudly at his son's sword fighting skills.)
A: "Oh, how nice of him.  Well, I think you should practice your bad guy pirate on dad and not me."
J: "Ok."

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